Meeting Estonian Bull in Tartu

Just saying that if you still wonder which skill to develop in yourself – try to tame the Bull.

Finished the day with different feelings, those feelings have brought us to another adventure.  See the results of evaluation session on the picture, expressing our own feeling after the Day 5 of Bridge It! project seminar.


So with those different feelings we went to the bar near Domus Dorpatensis in Tartu. Except the nice musical performance, there was the Bull competition.

In short, Bull competition (FYI #1, Bull is an artificial one of course) is one the evening entertainments in Tartu we explored. Basically, to won you have to tame the Bull. What you should do, just manage sitting in the Bull’s back when it turns around, increasing the speed with every round. In the end people fall on the air pillow on the floor. You win, if you’ll stay on the Bull the longest time.

FYI #2, the TOP result in Bull competition in Tartu so far is 48 sec.

And Bridge It! guys took part in this competition!

Also, it’s a bit unfortunate that I can’t upload video here on they are just amazing.

So, tame the Bull one day. 😉

To wrap up, a very tasty watermelon’s picture we had for coffeebreak. 🙂


Take care of you and eat watermelon,



#bridgeit #projectmanagement #civiceducation #sociallife #estonia #tartu

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